DP, filming and lighting by Hossam Aboul-Magd
Cinematography by Hossam Aboul-Magd
Directed, filmed and produced by Hossam Aboul-Magd
DP, filmed and lighting by Hossam Aboul-Magd
EMMY Award Winner 2022, DP'd by Hossam Aboul-Magd
Winner of the Silver Award at Muse Creative Awards 2022, DP'd and edited by Hossam Aboul-Magd
Directed, filmed and edited by Hossam Aboul-Magd
Directed, shot and edited by Hossam Aboul-Magd
4-part aerial series about Egypt; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
New CongressWomen featured for Elle Magazine
A commercial for Bistro Du Coin; directed, edited and filmed by Hossam Aboul-Magd
Short I filmed for WEBMD, produced by PixelDust Studios.
A short film I directed, filmed and edited for Pepsi.
National Cathedral short film
A new original series by Soura Films called One x One x One| Directed, filmed and edited by Hossam Aboul-Magd
Doha Film Institute film
A short webisode for AARP Studios.
Johnson Foundation at Wingspread short film
Falls Road Golf Course short personal film
PBS hour-long film